Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Baby Turned 3!

Can't believe it's been 3 years since life without Dylann!

She turned 3 on the 7th and had a fabulous princess castle birthday party on Saturday. What a gorgeous day! I was ready for the weather to be on the slightly cooler side with some cloudy skies, but it was easily in the mid 70s with bright blue skies! Perfect weather for my little princess' party!

I had been planning her party for nearly a month and felt like I was running my own little sweatshop as I made tutus and knight tunics for all of her invited friends. But it was sooo worth all the effort!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Free the Monkey

I hear my daughter screaming "MOOOOMMMY!" from her playroom sounding like she's in a panic so I rush to her side to find this:

a 1/2" plastic monkey shoved into her baby doll's bottle.

Really, little girl? I thought she had fallen off of something and broken a leg.

Then, of course, she NEEDS me to free the little plastic guy. So off I go to get the tweezers to free him.

She was so pleased. I was her hero for at least 30 minutes.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

semi sweet tooth

yesterday a friend of ours invited us and a few other toddlers to her house for a fun afternoon activity. she had prepared a kitchen full of halloween cookies for the kids to decorate as they wished. sugar cookies + frosting + sprinkles galore = MESS!!!

although most children delight in the idea of eating sugary treats, my daughter would rather play with babies. i finally got her to the cookie decorating table and enticed her into creating a design of her own. lots of black sprinkles and chocolate frosting and i got the following picture.

she only ate half and decided she was done.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

just starting

so a few friends of mine have a blog, and though i still don't get the meaning, i thought i would try to get going on one of my own.

since i'm a stay at home mom with a 2 year old and a baby on the way i thought i needed to add one more challenge to my weekly routine.

i hope to post something atleast once a week so that family and friends can stay up to date on the goings on of the breton family, but i'm not promising anything.

here goes...